/ Assembly List / LJCNetCommon / NetString / Phonetic

Namespace - LJCNetCommon

text - The text value.
index - The start index.
letter - The Phonetic letter.


True if a Phonetic was created, otherwise false.


public static Boolean Phonetic(String text, Int32& index, out Char& letter)

Creates a Phonetic character from the supplied text starting at the supplied index. (D)


Sets the letter parameter to:
- "F" if the current and following letter are "PH"
- "S" if the current letter is "P", the following letter is "S" and the third letter is a vowel or "Y".
- "K" if the current letter is "C" and the following letter is "A", "O" or "U".
- "S" if the current letter is "C" and the following letter is "E", "I" or "Y".
- Otherwise, the same letter as at the current index.

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Licensed under the MIT License.